A New State Assessment for Iowa:
Iowa adopted statewide standards in English language arts and math to ensure all students move from grade to grade with the academic skills and content necessary for success beyond high school.
Because we raised the bar for what we expect students to know and be able to do, we also must change the way student progress is measured through state tests. In the 2017-18 school year, students in grades three through eleven will take the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
Smarter Balanced Assessments Will Replace Iowa Assessments
While the current state assessment has a long history,Iowa will transition in the 2017-18 school year to the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Smarter Balanced better meets the needs of our teachers and students and measures real-world skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and writing.
Smarter Balanced Provides Meaningful Information
The Smarter Balanced Assessments provide a more detailed picture of student learning by providing specific information on which skills students have mastered and where they need additional support. They also help ensure that students are on track for the next grade and, eventually, postsecondary education and the workforce.
Participation in Annual Assessments Matters
Annual assessments are just one measure of student achievement that should be combined with other measures, including teacher reports and student grades, to provide a complete picture of student progress.
Having your child take the state assessment provides policy makers and educators with information about what educational approaches are working and where additional resources are needed.
Our district is committed to fewer, fairer and better tests for all students.
- Better reflects what is being taught in Iowa classrooms.
- Gives a more detailed and immediate pictureof the skills each student has mastered.
- Challenges your child to think critically and solve real-world problems.
- Goes beyond multiple-choice and asks your child to explain his or her answers.
- Provides accurate information on whether your child is on track.
Your child’s teacher can provide more information about his/her academic performance.
Smarter Balanced:
Iowa updates: Get the latest information on the assessment transition at https://iowacore.gov/content/smarter-balanced-assessments
Practice Test: Take the practice test at www.smarterbalanced.org/assessments/practice-and-training-tests/