Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids/Phase 1 RTI
Iowa Department of Education
The Phase 1 RTI/Collaboration for Iowa’s Kids (C4K) is a partnership among the Area Education Agencies (AEA), the Iowa Department of Education (DE) and local school districts. The intent of C4K is to work more effectively and efficiently as a full educational system to accomplish a few agreed upon priorities.
The C4K initial priority focus, collective efforts and resources are on early literacy and closing the achievement gaps with the goal that every child is proficient by the end of third grade. The C4K selected this priority focus because of the integral role literacy proficiency plays for success in all other academic and social areas.
To attain this goal, C4K studied high-performing systems around the world, reviewed Iowa’s performance across Iowa Assessments and the National Assessment for Educational Progress, reviewed Iowa’s strengths and challenges, and distilled what has been shown to work into four inter-connected strategies that when leveraged, result in higher performance and greater success for children/youth:
- Standards and Curriculum (the what)
- Educator Quality (the who)
- Response to Intervention (the how)
- School Improvement (assessing quality and need for improvement)
Hoover Elementary will be using universal literacy screeners and review of student data through Professional Learning Communities to make instructional decisions regarding core instruction and intervention services. A building-wide framework will ensure that all students receive high quality core instruction aligned with the Iowa Core and a tiered system of research-based interventions when regularly monitored performance indicates need.
Source: Iowa Department of Education