West Branch Schools
Redefining Educational Experiences

Curiosity is a superpower

At West Branch Schools, we stand by the philosophy that curiosity is a super power.

When you enroll your child at one of our schools, you are providing them the opportunity to explore throughout their educational endeavors. We foster student success with forward-thinking approaches to education by constantly molding our lessons to best fit the individual needs and interests of every student.

Inspiration is mutual

Our teachers go above and beyond to immerse their students in educational experiences. Not only do teachers inspire students, but students inspire teachers.

When you enroll your child at West Branch Schools they will be presented with a variety of educational encounters. From robotics, to Greek mythology, to video editing, there’s all sorts of hands-on, exploratory opportunities.

Want to see some of our teachers in action? Take a look for yourself!

In addition to our progressive teachers and lessons, we have an array of unique activities and sports your child can join including: girls who code, robotics, lego league and show choir. For a full activity list, click here.

We have the perk of being a part of a small community. Our total population is just shy of 2,400, which leads to intimate class sizes. Our community and schools are tightly intertwined. When you invest in our students, you're also investing in the community.

Class is different

For us, education is more than just learning math, science, english and history. It's about managing your time, listening to different perspectives, exploring your interests and so much more. At West Branch Schools, we redefine the concept of education.

Are you ready to redefine your child's educational experience?

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of the West Branch Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have any questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the Dave Hlas, Elementary Principal, 148 North Oliphant St., West Branch, IA 52358, 319-643-7211, dhlas@west-branch.k12.ia.us

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