Click here to visit the Silver Cord Information site to view volunteer opportunities and download hour submission forms!

Definition of Program:
Students may earn a Silver Service Cord to be worn on their gown at graduation, which indicates at least 100 hours of volunteer service during their enrollment at West Branch High School.

Volunteer Information:
Information regarding volunteer opportunities is available on the Counseling Website under the Silver Cord Information tab. Volunteer opportunities will be posted to the “bulletin board” on the website and a link to the bulletin board will be provided in the daily bulletin that is emailed to students and parents. Accrued hours are documented on a Google Spreadsheet and tracked by Ms. Schwickerath, School Counselor. All hours for seniors must be turned in prior to Awards Night on an announced deadline.

In order to be accepted, hour confirmation forms must be legible and accurately completed. This includes a description of the activity, the actual clock time worked, supervisor signature, and supervisor contact information. Ms. Schwickerath will record hours onto a Google Spreadsheet for each student, but students should also maintain copies of their own hour sheets. Parents may NOT sign as a supervisor unless previously arranged. Hours must be turned in within SIX MONTHS of the activity.

What Counts:

  • Volunteer work at church, scouting, 4-H or other non-school club.
  • Special events on school premises sponsored by local charities or businesses (ex: DeGowin blood drives, Hospice, Crisis Center, etc.) with principal approval.
  • Staff-supervised voluntary tutoring of other students for which credit is not earned.
  • Staff-supervised voluntary service performed as a member of a school group/club/organization that is not a required activity for the membership – must have principal approval (ex: a show choir member volunteers to help at the elementary show choir camp could earn volunteer hours if approved by the director and principal).
  • Practicum hours during the school day not taken for credit (per approval by the principal and sponsor teacher).

What Does NOT Count:

  • Court-ordered community service hours.
  • Internships, Job Shadows, or Practicum work done for credit at school.
  • Any work done for school activities in which the student may earn a letter, ribbon, medal, certificate, or any other award.
  • Any work done for the West Branch Community School District (includes elementary, middle school, high school, Central Office, custodial, concessions, etc.) unless the student has prior approval.
  • Unsupervised hours.
  • Undocumented work.
  • Work for relatives (examples: raking leaves for grandparents, babysitting for sister, etc.).
  • Work done for individuals such as neighbors (raking leaves, etc) unless done through an established group.
  • Any work done for pay (direct pay or individual fundraising).

Recording of Time:
Sheets MUST list exact clock times of service (example – 3:30-5:30 p.m.). NO ESTIMATED, UNDOCUMENTED “BUNDLES” OF HOURS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Students are responsible for recording their own hours and keeping copies of their forms.

Final Decisions:
The high school principal makes final decisions about eligible volunteer activities after consulting with the counselor, supervisor and student.

Contact Ms. Schwickerath, School Counselor and Silver Cord Coordinator at 319-643-7216 or Also, visit the Silver Cord Information site.

Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of the West Branch Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have any questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the Dave Hlas, Elementary Principal, 148 North Oliphant St., West Branch, IA 52358, 319-643-7211,

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